Data Center Audit
Data Centers are critical for businesses today. The ability of the data center to operate at peak performance and at the highest possible efficiency levels without service interruption is crucial for business continuity. Nics’s data center conformance audit and certification service analyses and inspects all key elements of your data center to ascertain compliance to various industry standards including ANSI/TIA-942, SS507, etc so as to ensure your business gets the highest availability and uptime with a sustainable operation model.
Our data center audit certification checklist focuses on over 1000 check points which include:
Our data center audit objectives will review:
Having identified any shortcoming and inefficiency within the data center, Nics will collaborate with you to produce a customised plan to suit your business needs and requirements of the standard chosen.
By consolidating standards and industry best practices, an Nics data center audit will ensure that your data center meets your needs both today and into the future.