GSM-R: The Railway GSM called ERTMS (European Railway Traffic Management System) constitutes the telecommunications part of International Telecommunications and Signaling system.

It is a GSM-based solution which has been developed, tested and approved under the leadership of Railways. The main purpose of railways is to have a cost-effective telecommunications and a new generation signaling system which can be commonly operated on a transnational basis and can provide safe and fast travel. GSM-R takes the GSM technology, which is a technology having proven itself for years, as a basis and meets such requirement by minimizing their infrastructure investments.

GSM-R is a solution which must be used to carry the telecommunications and signaling for railway personnel and engine drivers especially for high speed train projects.

It provides service for its users through a frequency band specially allocated for it.

GSM-R offers operational and commercial advantages to the railways and allows them to rank top in the competitive environment.

We provide all services for railways with respect to end-to-end GSM-R, telephone systems, transmission and all other associated services with our proven experience in the field of telecommunications. Our solutions include some components of GSM-R as NSS, BSS, GPRS as well as Dispatcher, SDH, Train Radios, Mobile Terminals, PBX, Open Line Telephones, Passenger Information and Public Addressing Systems, Recording systems, Tunnel coverage solutions, power supply units and their associated design, installation, training and maintenance services.